MijnHostingPartner.nlReviews MijnHostingPartner.nlReviews MijnHostingPartner.nl8.8 10

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About us

MijnHostingPartner.nl meets the need to compete with other hosting providers at the most competitive prices. Simple choices, fast registration, fast activation of packages and handling of your questions. And all that at the best price!

How do we do this? We minimize the costs! We do as much correspondence as possible via email, tickets and online chat. If we can't solve the problem via email or ticket, MijnHostingPartner.nl will contact you by phone. This is how we keep the costs low and still provide you with all the service you need.

With a strong team of programmers, commercial and technical people we try to offer a specific product via the Internet in a transparent way. The thinking is that customers should be able to see at a glance what is being sold.

Orders should be fast and smooth and the support friendly and adequate. Concepts of MijnPartnerGroep.nl stand for a competitive price, excellent quality and good service. For all our other concepts, visit www.mijnpartnergroep.nl and keep an eye on the website by signing up via social media (Facebook, twitter, Blog)!

Reliable, Good, Cheap, Simple and Fast, that's MijnHostingPartner.nl!

Mijn Partner Groep.nl

Mijn Partner Groep.nl is not just a nice name. It's a concept in which we use internet shops to market an existing product or service in a refreshing new way.

MPG's pilot was 'Mijn Hosting Partner.nl', which we have been actively working on for about five years now. And in line with the partner concept, Mijn Domein Partner.nl and Mijn VPS Partner.nl were also created. In the background, more concepts are being worked out and we are busy broadening our horizons abroad as well.

With a small team of specialists we try to make this concept a success. We use our own servers, have our own programmers and try to serve our customers as much as possible through short lines of communication.

Keep an eye on the website of Mijn Partner Groep.nl! In the future we will present very nice concepts that may also be of interest to you!