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Email hosting, create unlimited email addresses.

Email hosting, create unlimited email addresses.

Email Package

monthly Excl. VAT

    If you don't want to put up a website but you want to be able to create and use mail addresses then you can select this package.
Email hosting, create unlimited email addresses.

Hosted Exchange 5 GB

monthly Excl. VAT

    If you wish to use Microsoft Exchange then choose this option. Please note! This is the price per mailbox.
Email hosting, create unlimited email addresses.

Hosted Exchange 15 GB

monthly Excl. VAT

    If you wish to use Microsoft Exchange then choose this option. Please note! This is the price per mailbox.
Email hosting, create unlimited email addresses.

Hosted Exchange 25 GB

monthly Excl. VAT

    If you wish to use Microsoft Exchange then choose this option. Please note! This is the price per mailbox.

Email hosting, create unlimited email addresses.

Email hosting with extensive specifications

Email Hosting at MijnHostingPartner.nl has many advantages. Besides our exceptionally good uptime since 2008, we also have extensive specifications available that you can determine yourself. So with your Email hosting you can be assured that nothing can happen to it and that your email address is always available.

Email address with your own domain name

When you start a website or a company you also need your own email address. With your own domain name like MijnHostingPartner.nl you can create your own email address like info@. Companies that use a free alternative such as gmail and outlook.com is unprofessional and ensures that you are not taken seriously if you mail for example to another company for a delivery. Or even disappears straight into the SPAM folder.

So to get the most out of an email address you should create an info@ address with your own domain name. Or a more personal address such as your first name or combination. You have a free hand in this. An email address from MijnHostingPartner.nl is not seen by third parties and you have complete privacy in your own hands.

Functionalities of your email hosting

Email hosting includes many options to customize your email account. You can create an unlimited number of email addresses on your hosting and your email account can be set up within almost any email client like Outlook or Thunderbird. With an email account you must of course be able to be mobile, so we also provide support to set up your email account on your cell phone for Android and IOS. It is of course the question how exactly to set this up, we have an extensive knowledge base where this step by step is indicated. So you can quickly get started with your email account, calendar and notes on any device. In the extensive knowledge base you can easily find the settings and for almost all steps are a screenshot that gives you exactly the right settings.

My Hosting Partner and Smartermail

MijnHostingPartner.nl works closely with Smartermail. This package allows you not only to manage mail, notes and calendar items but also to log into the Webmail. Here you can access your mail account online in any browser. You have at MijnHostingPartner.nl so your mail on 1 central and secure place on any device to update and manage. The storage space with an email package is 15 GB by default here has most of our customers more than enough. If you need more space with your email hosting then this is always extra to expand for a small fee.

Hosted Exchange accounts

What you also see above next to the option for a normal email hosting package, are the hosted exchange options. Hosted exchange accounts are developed by Microsoft and ensure that you have a seamless synchronization of all your email on any device. And direct synchronization of calendar and notes. Something that is less possible within regular email services. Hosted Exchange email accounts are for anyone who needs that extra edge. So for companies and production email addresses it is important to choose one of the Hosted Exchange packages.

Hosted Exchange accounts are not unlimited as can be created with the regular mail accounts. For each email address there are license rights attached. And therefore go per mail account. For multiple Hosted Exchange accounts there are multiple packages to be purchased. Here you can freely choose what available space for each account should be. So you can for the less intensive email accounts an account of 5 gigabyte purchase. And for an email address which is used by multiple people, or where a lot of email comes in like an info@ account. Is a larger Hosted Exchange account to take.

Hosted Exchange accounts are also very easy to set up on any device. With an Android or IOS phone is a matter of just filling out the account to get started right away. And with a program such as Outlook, it will be a matter of just filling in the password with the email account. The rest is then automatically discovered.

The big advantage of a Hosted Exchange account is that things like Tasks, Notes, Calendar items and appointments, and the email itself are instantly synchronized on any device. You can create an appointment within Outlook using the Hosted Exchange account and immediately receive the appointment on your smartphone. This is very useful for anyone who works with multiple devices on a daily basis.

Security and SPAM filters with your Email hosting

At MijnHostingPartner.nl we keep the security of your personal email in high esteem. We do everything to prevent abuse of the email accounts by having high password requirements for all email accounts. This is the first line of protection that you have in hand. Besides the passwords, we also offer mail traffic using SSL. These settings and ports can also be found in the knowledge base, article: Email over SSL. So you send all mail through a secure tunnel. And you completely prevent that there can be looked into your email messages in such a public connection. This is also the case when you use the webmail login in the browser. Here is also a https:// connection available, so all your messages and data are safe over the line.

A DKIM certificate can also be created. This gives you an extra layer of validation for accounts that send to you and vice versa. This is because it performs an additional handshake at the DNS level. Besides DKIM, DMARC is also active so that less SPAM will be received in the email hosting.

SPAM filtering

SPAM is always very annoying. At a certain moment your inbox is full of offers. To prevent this, we have an extensive SPAM filter within the email hosting that can be set up the way you want. SPAM will be automatically marked and then deleted or moved to an unwanted folder. How to set this up you can see on the following link.

An extra option is to create a DKIM certificate. This will give you an extra layer of validation for accounts that send to you and vice versa.