Example Code PHPMailer
Here is an example for the use of the class: class.phpmailer.php Here
you have to download the files from PHPMailer and upload them in your space:
Below is just an example code,:
This is a test
$mail= newPHPMailer();$mail= newPHPMailer();
$mail->IsSMTP();// Let PHPMailer use an smtp server.
$mail->Host="";// SMTP server from My Hosting Partner
$mail->Username='smtpusername';// A valid email address created at My Hosting Partner.
$mail->Password='smtppassword';// The password that belongs to the email address
$mail->FromName="Email from my website";
$mail->Sender="";// Header for return
$mail->AddAddress("");// The email address to which it should be sent
$mail->IsHTML(true);//Format of the email is in HTML
$mail->Body="Test 1 of PHPMailer
$mail->AltBody="Alternative text (plain text if html not supported)";
echo"Error sending: ".$mail->ErrorInfo;;
echo"The message has been sent";