How do I backup / restore a MySQL database?
1. You go to the following website: MySQLWebadmin
2. Choose the correct server here. If you do not know which server you are on, please refer to this article: On which MySQL server is my database running.
3. Once you have clicked on the correct server you will need to log in with your Database login details.
4. To export your database, click on the database name on the left and then click on export at the top of the menu bar.
5. By default the settings are already correct. If you want to export in another format you can indicate that in the pull-down menu Format:
Click on Go to start the export, after this a popup appears to save the database on your computer.
1. To Import your database click on the database name on the left and then click on Import at the top of the menu bar.
2. Using the Browse button you can select and open the desired file that is on your computer.
3. After this click on the button Start to start the import of the database.