WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

If you want to send mail through WordPress at MijnHostingPartner then you need to install an SMTP plug-in first. For this article we will cover post SMTP.

1) Click on plug-ins and then on new plug-in.

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

2 ) Then search for Post SMTP and click on install.

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

3 ) Then go to your plug-ins page and click on configure at the SMTP plug-in. Then click on start the wizard

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

4 ) Fill in the email address you created in the control panel. You can fill in the name as you like.

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

5 ) Fill out the outgoing server smtp.mijnhostingpartner.nl.

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

6 ) Select SMTP - myhostingpartner.nl:25.

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

7 ) Enter your email address and the associated password that you have created in the control panel.

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

8 ) You can ignore this step and click on next.

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

9 ) Then click on finish at the bottom

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

10 ) After this you can send a test mail to your own email address. Click on send test message

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

11 ) Fill in the mail address where you want to send a test mail to.

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

12 ) You will receive a confirmation of this.

WordPress SMTP via mail SMTP

After this you have configured an SMTP plug-in on your website so you can start using a contact form.