My outgoing mail is not working in Wordpress / SMTP WordPress

Wordpress mail is not sent, the normal sending method of Wordpress is not supported by

We recommend to use the following plugin:

With this you can make use of: (with a valid username [email account] + password created in the control panel)

My outgoing mail is not working in Wordpress / SMTP WordPress

My outgoing mail is not working in Wordpress / SMTP WordPress

My outgoing mail is not working in Wordpress / SMTP WordPress

You do not enter the password in this screen but in the wp-config.php file which is in your wwwroot. This can be done at the bottom of the file in the following way:

My outgoing mail is not working in Wordpress / SMTP WordPress

Where you change your_password to your email account password.

When you have problems setting this up then just check the email account through the webmail .
And try TLS and SSL. If you still have problems you can always come online on the online chat or create a ticket. It is easy if you make a screenshot of the error message you receive when sending the test mail.
In the logs you can see exactly where it goes wrong.