View total consumed space of the mail domain
Periodically it is useful to check how much total space is consumed within your mail domain, as a domain administrator you can easily view this within our webmail. To do this, follow the following steps:
Log in within the customer panel and navigate to email settings, and select your email address to be made administrator. Then pull the following slider within your email address:
Save the changes, or if you are already an administrator you can go straight to our webmail, which can be accessed via:
After this you can go to the next option in the settings:
Domain Reports
Here you will see a Disk Usage report, here you can see under the following setting which accounts use how much space:
Disk Usage
You will also always see the system.domain.admin account, this is an email address which is not created by yourself, but an email address that allows you to manage the mail from the client panel and control panel. Do not delete or change this email address. This does not count in your used space.
Look in the specifications of your package how much total space you have available and stay within this amount, otherwise there will be additional costs.