Reset hosting space to default

This article covers how to clean up an existing hosting space with a site and start over with a website.
Before you start with the steps below, remember to make a backup of your old site. The steps we will follow will result in an "empty" hosting space with all its consequences.

For this example we take a website with a phpBB forum on it, we are going to empty this domain and put a hello world PHP file on it.

There are 2 methods of working for this, below shows the FTP method. Where it is taken into account that the folder structure is still retained.
Method 2 takes into account that the folder wwwroot in your website is no longer functional or has been removed.

Method 1

For this we need an ftp account in combination with an FTP client such as Filezilla.

If you then log into your FTP you will see the folders of your website, you then navigate to the wwwroot of your site. This is the only folder where changes need to be made.
Reset hosting space to default

Then you select all your files in the wwwroot with the exception of the following folders/files:

--> web.config -->
aspnet_client (folder)--> cgi-bin
(folder)The rest

are all files that no longer apply.

* (addition)
If you have changed the web.config file and want to set it back to default you can use the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <
configuration> <system.
<directoryBrowse enabled="false" /> <defaultDocument>
<files> <clear />
<add value="Default.
html" />
<add value="Default.htm" />
<add value="Default.asp" /> <add value="index.
htm" />
<add value="Default.aspx" /> <add value="index.
html" />
<add value="index.php" /> <add value="index.
asp" />
</files> </defaultDocument>
webServer> <
* (end of
add) your wwwroot

directory will now look like this again:

Reset hosting space to default

After this you are back at square one and you can put your new website on the server.
As an example, we'll put in the index.php file and show that only this file is grabbed.

Reset hosting space to default

Then you can go to your site in the browser and see the echo:
Reset hosting space to default

Method 2You

log into the control panel and go to the file manager:

Reset hosting space to default

After this you can delete the files in the following way, keep in mind that your website will be offline until new files are uploaded.

Reset hosting space to defaultYou

create with " create folder"the folder wwwroot in your domain, you do this also in the file manager.

Reset hosting space to default

As you can see, the folder has been added to the above hosting space, but the error message remains.
And you will not be able to perform any further actions on this.

Now go back to the homepage within the control panel and selectWebsites:

Reset hosting space to default

After this you press "save changes":

Reset hosting space to default

Navigate again with the file manager to your hosting space of the domain in question:

Reset hosting space to default
What you will see here is the following:

Reset hosting space to default
The web.config file is hereby reset and your hosting space of this domain is again ready for use.
You can now upload your website and continue with your new site.

hope that we have been able to shed some light on what might be unclear to novice web builders.
If you have any further questions or comments please check the online chat or create a ticket.

keywords: site reset website restarting back to start FTP

Reset hosting space to default

Reset hosting space to default

Reset hosting space to default

Reset hosting space to default

Reset hosting space to default