
Starting a webshop

Starting a web shop what do you need to consider besides hosting ? This is a question many entrepreneurs ask themselves when they want to host a web shop. A good web shop is in fact dependent on a number of things. You have to make sure that your customers can find you and can easily place an order. In addition you must ensure that the personal data that is entrusted to you is treated with respect and safety. Suitable for mobile Making your webshop suitable for mobile devices and all screen sizes

Measuring interaction on your blog

Measuring interaction on your blog Measuring visitors on your WordPress blog is important. This way you can make adjustments where needed and get an idea of what's happening on your blog. With the right tools you can keep track of which post is doing better than the other and adjust your content accordingly. Time spent on your page With a blog website it is of course important to know whether your posts are actually being read. You can therefore track the time visitors spend on your blog post page.