Your own email address

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Your own email address

Your own email address

In the times we live in, almost everyone has their own email address. Logical too, because for almost every site nowadays you need a different account. Even for a purchase on a simple website, you won't get far without an email address. Many people in the Netherlands use the standard Hotmail, Gmail or work email client for their email. If you are curious about what the most common forms of email address are, or what the difference is between POP or IMAP for your email application (on your PC or smartphone), then read on.

Your own email address

Forms of your own email address

As discussed earlier, there are many different forms of email addresses. Chances are you yourself use one of the following addresses:

  • Hotmail
  • Gmail
  • Your work email (often this is the business version of Hotmail or Gmail. This one works the same, except your email address ends in

Probably you also not only log in via your email provider on the internet, but you also have an application on your smartphone with which you can read your emails. Through these applications (Exchange for Hotmail) or Android's Gmails client you can easily synchronize your online email provider with that of your smartphone or through the webmail. You can do this in two ways: POP or IMAP.

POP or IMAP - the difference

The advantages of using POP or IMAP instead of your email server on the Internet is that they give you additional options for your mail settings. POP and IMAP let you read emails on your phone. The main difference between the two is that IMAP (Internet Messaged Access Protocol) is continuously updated with your online email server. That means that when you check an email as read on your phone, it will also be marked as read online.

POP (Post Office Protocol) does not synchronize your email client with the email server. If you often use your email client it is recommended to go for IMAP. You can go to the settings of most email clients and choose whether you want to use POP or IMAP.

Your own email address

An email address can be created quickly with the email hosting of Register your own domain name on the Internet and host for IMAP / POP or an exchange account! Order directly via the following link:

What is pushmail

Pushmail is the principle on which POP and IMAP work. You have an email client on your smartphone. It checks at specific intervals with the email server whether new emails have been received there. If the email client finds new emails on the server, it downloads them and displays them on your smartphone. So your emails are 'pushed' to your phone. So there is a difference between how you view your emails on the Internet and how you read them on your phone - even though it may seem the same at first glance.

In the past, mainly email clients used this system. However, in recent years many applications including, for example, Facebook have also started to use push notifications. The principle behind this is virtually the same.