Why create another website?

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Why create another website?

With the advent of large marketplaces and the ability to be present on the internet with tools such as Google Maps, the question may arise as to whether it still makes sense to have your own website. In this blog post, we look at the many possibilities and the control that a website offers. And how you can use them for your webshop, freelance website, blog or company. Let's go!

Website made easy these days

To get one major hurdle out of the way: nowadays, creating and managing a website is neither difficult nor technically complex. With simple and versatile content management systems such as WordPress or Joomla, a website can be created in no time at all and you can start publishing content online. This is partly thanks to the many thousands of themes that can be installed on your website for free or for a fee. The theme is purely visual and therefore requires no programming. With this theme you set the entire layout and design of your website at the touch of a button, and with an afternoon's work you should be well on your way.

The content of a website, both written and visual, will require the most work. However, this applies to any platform where you create a website or publish content. For example, a YouTube channel or other social media.

You can also expand the website with the help of plug-ins if you are still missing functions. You can also install these at the click of a mouse without having to program them yourself.

Why create another website?

More control and no restrictions

If you rely on external platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or marketplaces, you are bound by their rules and conditions. This means that you can be restricted, taken down or even blocked for no apparent reason.

With your own website, you have full control over your content and your business model:

No censorship: On your own website, you decide what you publish as long as it is within the legal framework.

No unexpected algorithm changes: You don't have to worry about suddenly becoming less visible due to changes to a platform's algorithm. Or even being blacklisted. You won't be the first to be greeted one morning with an email saying that all your work has been lost.

No limits: You decide what your website looks like, how much content you publish and how you reach your visitors. You can also advertise in other ways and are therefore not restricted to one platform.

A website is a strategic advantage for companies and entrepreneurs. You can use it as a central hub where customers can find all the information about your services, portfolio or products. Unlike social media, where you rely on temporary visibility, your website is always accessible to your target audience.

A website is a smart investment

Many entrepreneurs and freelancers think it's cheaper to work exclusively through social media or marketplaces, but that's not always true. Here are some advantages of having your own website as an investment:

Long-term cost savings - On platforms like Etsy or bol.com you often pay high commissions per sale. With your own website, you determine your own margins without being dependent on third parties.

Professional appearance - A website gives you credibility. Customers will take you more seriously if you have your own domain name and email address and not just an Instagram page.

Better findability by Google (SEO) - With a well-designed website, you can work structurally on search engine optimization (SEO). This helps you to organically attract more customers without having to constantly advertise. The more history and content you build, the more visitors will come from here.

You have the freedom to go wherever you want

Finally, having your own website offers one big advantage: you have everything under your own control. You decide what your website looks like, what content you publish and how you serve your customers. You can optimize your website in terms of speed, conversion and user-friendliness without being dependent on the guidelines of external platforms.

With a reliable hosting provider such as MijnHostingPartner.nl, you can be sure that your website will stay online quickly and securely. You can easily expand your business as it grows and benefit from advanced features such as email hosting and database management.

Despite the rise of social media and marketplaces, having your own website is still a powerful and indispensable tool for entrepreneurs, freelancers and content creators. It offers complete control, a professional appearance and a sustainable way to build your online presence.

Want to know more about how you can easily set up a website? Contact MijnHostingPartner.nl and discover the possibilities. Or take out your package now and get started right away!